...But only 17 per cent of workplaces serve Fairtrade coffees, juices and snacks, according to a YouGov poll out this Monday. Commissioned by the Fairtrade Foundation - naturally - the poll also asked British office and factory rats to list the ten things their workplaces could do to be more ethical and green. Fairtrade products came second with 38 per cent of votes, with carbon emission-cutting first at 45 per cent. 32 per cent wished their companies would recycle more and buy more recycled products. The ironic thing is that switching to Fairtrade stuff at work is easy for facility managers because it usually just involves ticking a different box in a catalogue. Still, some are dragging heels, so there's now a new Fairtrade at Work website to help persuade companies that what the Co-Op Bank, BT and KPMG have already done isn't scary. I've forwarded the site on to my employer, Haymarket, and I'm currently waiting to hear back.
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