This weekend I'll be popping my Hay cherry with my first visit to the festival. I'm there for work and pleasure as I'll be giving four talks tomorrow on energy-saving, green gadgets and eco tech: if you're at the festival, please pop along, be gentle and say hi. For anyone reading this after hearing me blather at the festival, please find a list of products and further reading after the click-through. [Photo: nedrichards]
Electrisave, £80
HomeCO2meter, £not yet on sale
DIY Kyoto Wattson, £150
Juice solar bag, £buy via eBay
Voltaic Systems solar bag, £125
Powersafer, £20
Freeloader, £25
Solio, £50
Intellipanel, £30
ByeByeStandby, £30
Eco Kettles, £35-60
Roberts wind-up radio, £35
Further reading
Greenpeace Green Electronics Guide
EST Energy Saving Products
EU Energy Label
WEEE directive: take-back of tech products
My Green Electronics
Green Technology Initiative
Have fun...
What about that wind up lantern...did you ever get it off Tom?
Posted by: Al | June 02, 2007 at 01:02 PM
No, he's bagsied it!
Posted by: Adam Vaughan | June 15, 2007 at 03:33 PM