Online eco shop Natural Collection wants you to hang out with like-minded green people on its new community site, ooffoo. Launched today, the name comes from the web hex value for the colour green. Well, kinda. Strictly speaking 00ff00 is the value for green, but someone's already got that URL and it's not as easy to pronounce as 'ooo-fu'. So ooffoo it is. The site lets you post ads and blog posts, swap and sell products, plus it has a competition to win £500. I like the principle behind the site, but right now it's lacking a killer app. Still, it's early days, and any community site takes time to grow. Fortunately, Natural Collection has a lotta genuine fans. For proof, just look at the way it's always won the reader-voted category in the Observer Ethical Awards.
Agreed - I think the name is stupid and forgettable and the site is hard to understand. Hopefully it will become clearer as people begin to get into using it.
Posted by: joe | November 05, 2008 at 10:49 AM
I think the killer app will be the scale of community it could attract.
As a platform for people sharing their content, well, it's got an uphill task to take on likes of Blogger & Freecycle for blogging & swapping products.
Posted by: Adam Vaughan | November 05, 2008 at 02:03 PM
Surely it should be 00ff00 not ooffoo, as its a zero not a o
Posted by: Jamie | November 26, 2008 at 01:23 PM