Online eco shop Natural Collection wants you to hang out with like-minded green people on its new community site, ooffoo. Launched today, the name comes from the web hex value for the colour green. Well, kinda. Strictly speaking 00ff00 is the value for green, but someone's already got that URL and it's not as easy to pronounce as 'ooo-fu'. So ooffoo it is. The site lets you post ads and blog posts, swap and sell products, plus it has a competition to win £500. I like the principle behind the site, but right now it's lacking a killer app. Still, it's early days, and any community site takes time to grow. Fortunately, Natural Collection has a lotta genuine fans. For proof, just look at the way it's always won the reader-voted category in the Observer Ethical Awards.
Green Ready Steady Cook - set your eco PVR to record on 4th Jan, as the frantic food show features Penney 'No Waste Like Home' Poyzer (in green pinny) and Tracey 'Downshifting Week' Smith.
People Tree 07 - next year's season from the ethical fashion label is all about 'change today, choose Fairtrade'. Expect a bigger menswear collection (at last!), new undies and a new brand called People Tree for Top Shop - for the first time, it'll be available to buy online at
Goodsearch - the Yahoo-based, charity-giving search engine is now live. Grab the Firefox plug-in.
Fairtrade and fir-trees - an ultra local event tomorrow, two minutes from my house: St Paul's Church on Herne Hill (London SE24) plays host 1-3pm to Xmas tree sales and a Fairtrade food sale. No word on organic trees, but there's always 07, right?
The guy who gave up flying - this isn't something you can buy, but it is someone you can copy. My friend's cousin - Joshua Hart - has given up flying to cut down his CO2 emissions. To walk the talk, he caught a freighter from the US to the UK. What a legend. Josh's blog is over here.
B&Q's also selling solar water heating (pictured) - in all the excitement over the DIY outfit's wind turbine, I forgot to mention they're now selling solar water heating. Which, basically, are tubes filled with water to provide you with hot showers. Prices start at £1500.
EDF helps make your utility bill 'carbon neutral' - later this week the electricity and gas provider will start offering Climate Balance, a special tariff where you pay extra on your bills (£40, the Guardian reckons) to go someway to offsetting the carbon burned by your house. I'm just finding out whether your cash goes to tree-planting, renewables or energy efficiency projects.
iWood glasses - awesome, just awesome. They may be expensive at £180 but these shades' frames are made from 'sustainably harvested' wood (not FSC-certified). [via Treehugger]
Renewable Planet - a Google Maps mash-up showing green projects around the world. It's early days: there's just one UK entry so far.
The London Paper - the capital's new freesheet makes Metro feel posh, but it does have a regular green section, as City Hippy points out.
It costs £2202 a year to run the average car - that's 7.2 per cent up from last year. [Via How to Save the World for Free]
Eco back-to-school - Anna at The Times has a nice round-up of ways to make school greener, including the obvious but free walking option (it's Walk to School month in October)
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