Yesterday I drove an electric car I've had my eye on for a while: the G-Wiz-rivalling NICE Mega City. It's not as fast or maneuverable as Judge Dredd's steed in Mega City One, but I like it. The good stuff: it has better interior fittings than the G-Wiz (seats, dash, everything!), more head space (I'm only 5ft 9in but hit my head on the G-Wiz's roof) and loads of boot space (almost enough for two extra seats). Most importantly, it's fun to drive. Think golf buggy, milk float or go-kart.
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I got to meet some of the green world's great and good last night at a London bash by Sky to teach journos why green's so hot right now. And, of course, what Sky's doing on that front. The night's eco experts were the Beeb's Penney Poyzer, The Ecologist's Pat Thomas and Matilda Lee, UCL's Mark Maslin and - in a flattering gesture - myself as the 'technology energy-saving man' AKA 'the lad with the bike panniers and solar bags.' I've included some info on the tips/gadgets I mentioned after the click-through.
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I'm moving home in January - ah, how my Scotland-based friends at New Consumer laughed at the joke that is the English housing system - and am jammy enough to be buying a house. Which, as well as a cat, means a huge eco project. My plan is to make it as green as Donnacadh McCarthy's virtually zero carbon home and Penney Poyzer's incredibly trendy Nottingham eco home. To that end, I've started re-reading a list of green suppliers that I wrote about for Inside Out magazine earlier this year; hopefully it'll be of some use to you too. Click through for the list. [photo from Green Roof]
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