I'm off today in London to the Ethical Branding conference (hosted by the publishers of Ethical Corporation mag, pictured) to press the flesh with corporate folk from thegreenguy regulars such as the Fairtrade Foundation, Cafe Direct and People Tree, but also to meet people from uber corps like Dell, Toyota and Unilever. I'll be blogging the day on the extended post of this story, so just click through and keep refreshing the page. Any questions you want asked, just post 'em in the comments. I'm also giving a talk about something to do with the interwob and people buying stuff at 4pm. Tomorrow, my boss at New Consumer - Mel Young- is doing one too on the question 'can you really sell ethics and sustainability to the media?'
Continue reading "Ethical branding - can you think of a less sexy phrase?" »
Powergen Energy Lab. Got a fantastic idea for an energy-saving device? Land yourself £50K and fame by entering this Bayliss-supported compo.
BP's Target Neutral. Sign up for BP's new scheme and it reckons if you pay £20 a year - it'll add 10 or 20p every time you fill-up -
your driving will be carbon neutral: the dosh goes to emission-reducing
and green power projects.
Continue reading "Today's ethical picks: win £50K for an eco invention, drive green, buy better gadgets" »
You'd think Londoners were pretty green, right? All those tube journeys, cyclists everywhere and fancy-pants new bus routes? Well, actually, no: our lovely capital needs an area the size of Spain to satisfy its resource gobbling. Things should get a bit better with the 2012 Olympics (pictured) - they were pitched as the 'greenest games ever' - but in the meantime there's Future London, a cool show next month with lots of tips on what you can do yourself.
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Here's one if you're stuck for something to do this weekend: meander over to the Natural History Museum and check out its climate change show, The Ship. As well as seeing the diplodocus in the main hall - does it get much better? - you'll have the chance to ponder Peter Clegg and Anthony Gormley's ice sculptures (above), discover Alex Hartley's Nymark island claim (in the news a while back) and watch a video of Siobhan Davies' excellent dance piece. They're just the highlights from the exhibition, which was produced by a posse of artists who visited the Arctic on the eponymous ship.
Continue reading "All aboard the Natural History Museum Ship" »
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